Bangalore Neurological Society
Organisation representing Neurologists, Neurosurgeons and allied Neuroscientists of Bangalore.
Founded in 1994
Founders 1. Dr. H.V. Srinivas
2. Dr. S.K. Shankar 3. Dr.K.V.R. Sastry
4. Dr. N.K. Venkataramana
5. Dr. T. Vasudeva Rao 6. Dr. R. Srinivasa 7. Dr. T. Hegde
To share and disseminate knowledge in the field of neuroscience.
Aims and objectives
To promote knowledge about Neuro Sciences.
- To conduct CME programs, conferences, seminars and meetings about Neuro Sciences.
- To guard the interests of the Neurological sciences profession.
- To promote unity and comradeship amongst members of the society.
- To acquire, erect, construct or purchase any building works, property or machinery necessary or convenient for the purpose of the society.
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6. To promote co-operation and fellowship amongst the members of the society.
7. To do all such other things, as are cognate to the objects of the society or are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
8. To accept, receive, purchase, take on lease or hire or otherwise acquire, any movable or immovable property or any rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the purpose of the society at such terms and conditions as may be thought fit or convenient to, newspapers, periodicals, utensils, fittings, apparatus as and when deemed necessary by the managing committee of the society.
9. To erect, maintain, improve, altered to keep in repair any building for the purpose of the society.
10. To borrow or raise money in such manner as the society may think fit and collect subscriptions and donations for the purpose
11. To invest any monies of the society not immediately required in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the managing committee, however such investment shall be within the investments specified under Section 11 (5) of Income-tax Act 1961
12. To assist, subscribe, co-operate or affiliate to or amalgamate with any other body, whether incorporated, registered or not and having altogether or in part objects similar to those of the society.
13. The society and its official periodical will be a NON PROFITABLE organisation for the promotion of Neuro Scientists.
To share and disseminate knowledge in the field of neuroscience.
Founded in 1994
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CME in Neuropaediatrics
Sunday, 22nd September

Current Office Bearers

Dr. Shibu Pillai

Dr. J. B. Agadi
Immediate Past President

Dr. G. R. K. Sharma
President Elect

Dr. Kiran M
Honorary Secretary

Dr. Dwarakanath S
Past Secretary

Dr. Guruprasad Hosurkar
Honorary Treasurer

Dr. Nitish Kamble
EC Member

Dr. Uday Murgod
EC Member

Dr. Raghunandan Nadig
EC Member

Dr. Sathyanarayana LD
EC Member

Dr. Shibu Pillai
Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon
President’s message
June 28th, 2023.
Dear BNS Members,
It gives me great pleasure I take over as the 18th President of the prestigious Bangalore Neurological Society from the 3rd day of June 2023.
Firstly, a big thank you to all the members for reposing this trust in me. I will do my best to prove worthy of this honour.
Many stalwarts in the field of Neuroscience have presided over this society and have contributed to building it to its present stature.
It would be remiss of me to fail to mention the names of these illustrious luminaries in whose footsteps I follow. Dr. D. H. Deshpande (1994-1995), Dr. B. S. Das (1995-1996), Dr. K. K. Mandanna ( 1996-1997), Dr. B. P. Mruthyunjayanna (1997-1998), Dr.H.V.Srinivas (1998-1999), Dr. S. K. Shankar (1999-2001), Dr. A. K. Roy (2001-2003), Dr. K. V. R. Shastry ( 2001-2003 ), Dr. R. Srinivasa (2005-2007 ), Dr. A. S. Hegde ( 2007-2009), Dr. P. Satishchandra (2009-2011), Dr. Sudhir Pai (2011-2013), Dr. G.T. Subhas (2013-2015), Dr. B.A. Chandramouli (2015-2017), Dr.P.T.Acharya (2017-2019), Dr.Sampath (2019-2021) and Dr.J.B.Agadi (2021-2023).
I have big shoes to fill, particularly because seven of them have been my teachers.
The new team which includes, President –Elect, Dr.GRK Sarma, Hon. Secretary- Dr.Kiran M, Treasurer- Dr. Guruprasad Hosurkar, EC members- Dr.Uday Murgod, Dr. Raghunandan Nadig, Dr. Nitesh Kambli, and Dr. Satyanarayana LD, looks forward to continued support from all the members to continue the existing programs and introduce new ones. We will of course continue to rely on the able guidance of our distinguished past President, Dr.Agadi and ever enthusiastic past-secretary, Dr. Dwaraknath.
The CMEs organized by the society give an opportunity for the members to update their knowledge in various aspects of the neurosciences. This year we will set the ball rolling in August with an update on genetics as it relates to the neurosciences. We hope to follow that up with one on Neuropediatrics sometime early next year.
We hope to encourage more of the residents and younger members to attend the monthly BNS meetings. The monthly quiz and prizes for presentations are part of that endeavour. We hope to introduce other initiatives to further enhance this participation. During the new cycle of presentations at the monthly meetings, we have introduced a slot for presentations by members who are not a part of the major hospitals. We are looking forward to active participation from this group of private practitioners.
BNS has decided to grant R.50,000/- for research purposes to the students and members of BNS and there is provision for 6 such grants every year.
Travel grants to the tune of Rs. 10,000/- will also be given to deserving members of BNS.
Members are encouraged to make full use of these new initiatives and come forward with any new suggestions to further the education and research goals of the BNS.
Thank you once again for bestowing this honour upon me. I request you to join in me in taking our society to ever greater heights.
With warm regards,
Dr. Shibu Pillai
28th June 2023.