

    1. The society shall consist of members whose names are on the register of members of the society at the time when these rules and bye-laws come into operation and of subsequent members, who shall be those persons who being eligible be duly elected in such a manner and upon such conditions as may be prescribed from time to time.
    2. Register of Members There shall be a Register in which the names of all the members of the society shall be entered with their qualifications, addresses and bio-data as far as possible.
    3. The executive committee shall have the right to decide the eligibility or otherwise and the class to which a member could be admitted and such decision of the executive committee shall be final.
    4. Full Member Eligibility:
      1. All full members of Neurological society of India/ Indian Academy of Neurology
      2. Those who have basic qualification in Neurological Sciences and are working/practicing in any branch of Neurological Sciences
    5. Life Members: A life member is a person who is admitted into that category by Executive Committee and who has paid the subscription as determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.
    6. Annual Member: Annual Member is a person who is admitted to the annual membership by the Committee and who has paid and pays in advance the subscription fee as determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.
    7. Associate Members: Associate members can also be a life member. Associate Members eligibility:
      1. Any post graduate student in the field of Neuro Sciences.
      2. Any person with a“Post Graduate, Medical qualification (other than Neurological Sciences) and interested in the field of Neurological Sciences.
    1. Application for membership shall be proposed and seconded by BNS members. Membership becomes effective only when the applicant has paid to the Treasurer the registration fee and the first annual due; and the application for membership is approved by the Executive Committee.
    2. Subscriptions
      1. Admission fee of Rs. 50/-
      2. Ordinary member/full/associates shall pay Rs. 50/- per annum payment.
      3. Life member (Full/Associate) shall pay Rs. 500/- in one lump-sum payment. The rate of subscription shall be revised after approval by the Annual General Body meeting from time to time.
      4. Ordinary member shall pay his subscription on or before 31st December of the preceding year for membership of the concerned years. A member who is in arrears of subscription is not entitled to vote at the Annual General Body Meeting.
Rights and Privilages of the Members

Every full member shall be entitled:

  1. To attend, take part to vote in all General Body Meetings of the Society.
  2. To become a member of the Executive Committee.
  3. To propose or second candidates for admission to the society.
  4. To a copy of each issue of the periodical and other publications of the society either free or on payment of any prescribed charges during the continuation of the membership.
  5. An annual regular member will lose his rights and privileges if he fails or neglects to pay the annual subscription fee as per the Bye-Laws of the Society.

An associate member shall be entitled:

  1. To attend and take part in all the meetings of the society but without the right of voting.
  2. To be co-opted on various committees and sub-committees by the executive committee.
  3. An associate member will lose his rights and privileges if he fails to pay the annual subscription fee as per the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Society.
  4. An associate member shall not be entitled:
    1. To exercise vote in any of the meetings of the Society
    2. To stand for election to the Executive Committees.
    3. To become an officer bearer of the Society.


The General Body shall consists of all members of the Society except associate members.

Executive Committee

The executive committee will take charge on 1st Saturday of April 99.

Any full member shall be eligible to the Managing committee. The management of the society shall be vested in the Management Committee, who shall be composed of the following:

Ex-Officio Immediate Past President, Immediate Past Secretary
Elected President, Vice President, Hon. Secretary, Treasurer, 4 Members.
Time of Office The managing committee will hold office for two years or until their successors are appointed.
Vacancy Any interim vacancy occurring in the Managing Committee shall be filled by the committee itself.
Meetings The committee shall meet at-least once in three months.
Quorum Five members of the Managing committee shall form the quorum. The managing committee can invite any member as an Quorum observer who would not have voting rights.
Powers of the Executive Committee
  1. The executive committee shall be Executive authority of the society and as such shall have powers to carry into effect the policy and programme of the society as laid down by the General Body and shall remain responsible thereto.
  2. The Executive committee will administer the affairs of the society in accordance with the Rules and Bye-Laws and in conformity with the Memorandum of Association. The Executive Committee shall exercise such powers and do such acts and things as may be exercised or done by the society. Ordinarily the Executive Committee shall meet at-least 4 times a year.
  3. To acquire, construct, improve or alter and maintain buildings on behalf of and for the society.
  4. To accept endowments and grants from the national and international, official or non-official, sponsored by the Government or other charitable or similar institutions, foundations etc, or from individuals to advance the aims and objects and purpose of the society and its periodicals.
  5. To borrow or raise money, collect subscription, donations for the society and the periodical in such manner as the society may think fit.
  6. To invest any money of the society or periodical or proceeds from the movable and/ or immovable properties of the society if not immediately required by the society and to withdraw the same in the manner provided by law.
  7. Assist, subscribe to, or co-operate or affiliate or be affiliated with other similar organisations, trusts or societies.

The meeting of the Executive Committee shall be convened as hereunder:

    1. The Hon. Secretary with the consent of the President shall call the meeting of the Executive Committee.
    2. If three members of the executive committee sign the notice to convene the Executive committee indicating the business for which the meeting should be convened after giving 21 days notice, then the Hon. Secretary with and / or the President shall convene the meeting of the Executive Committee within 30 days thereafter giving due notice.
    3. Notice of the Executive Committee Meeting:
      1. Ordinary Meeting 2 weeks
      2. Extraordinary Meeting 1 week
      3. Requisition Meeting: 3 weeks
Rights of the Executive Committee
  1. To make regulations and issue instructions for the efficient administration of the society and for proper maintenance of its properties and publications.
  2. To appoint committees, sub-committees, adhoc committees and standing committees as and when necessary.
  3. To represent before the central or state governments or public bodies or any properly constituted authority, any matter affecting the interests of the society or the profession.
  4. To consider and decide applications of memberships, registration of members, suspensions of members/branch members and the question of taking such disciplinary action as it may deem fit against any member for misconduct and wilful neglect or default notices.
  5. To appoint or remove salaried officers and servants of the society.
Amendments of the Membership of the Society
    1. An Extraordinary General Body Meeting may be convened 15 minutes after Annual General Body Meeting to consider the proposals for the amendment of memorandum rules and bye-laws of society.
    2. Proposal for change in the memorandum of the Association shall be considered at an Extraordinary General Meetings of the General Body specially convened for that purpose. The proposed alterations must reach the working office at-least six weeks before the date of the Extraordinary General Body Meeting and shall be circulated by the Secretary to all the members for opinion at-least three weeks before the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the society. No such proposal shall be carried into effect unless it is agreed to by the votes caste in favour of the proposition by members being entitled so to do, and such votes are not less than three times the number of votes if any cast against the resolution by the members so entitled and voting and thereafter duly confirmed by a similar majority of votes at the second special General Meeting convened by the Executive Committee after an interval of 30 days after the formal meeting.
    3. Proposals for name and rules and regulations shall be amended by a resolution passed at a special General Meeting convened for that purpose.
Duties and Powers of the Office Bearers


  1. The President shall be the chair person of all meetings of the General Body annual meeting and all meetings of the society and the executive committee.
  2. The president shall guide and control the activities of the society.
  3. The president shall regulate the proceedings of all meetings and interpret the Rules and bye-laws and decide doubtful points and his/her decision shall be final.
  4. The president shall in addition to his/her ordinary vote, have a casting vote in case of equality of votes in any meeting


  1. The vice president shall take over the duties of the president in the absence of the president.
  2. In the absence of the president and in the event of any emergency arising, due to any reason such as death, detention, resignation or absence for considerable period by remaining out of India, then the duties of the president shall devolve upon the Vice President. In case of resignation of the President, it will become effective when it is accepted by the Executive Committee. Pending the acceptance of the resignation, the Vice President shall act as indicated above, in the case the president is unwilling to function as such.


  1. The Honorary secretary shall be in charge of the office.
  2. The Honorary secretary shall conduct all correspondence on behalf of the society.
  3. The Honorary Secretary shall organise, arrange and convene meetings, congresses, lectures and demonstrations.
  4. The Hon. Secretary shall attend the meetings of the General Body, Executive Committee and keep record of the proceedings, thereof.
  5. The Hon. Secretary shall be an ex-officio members of all committees.
  6. The Hon. Secretary shall maintain a correct and upto date register of all members of the society.
  7. The Hon. Secretary, shall bring any matter which he considers necessary in the interest of the society to the General Body and the Executive Committee for guidance and decision.


  1. Shall receive all monies of the society and deposit them in a Bank or Banks approved by the General body of the Society to the credit of the society to be operated jointly by any two of the following office bearers viz, president, secretary, treasurer.
  2. Shall be responsible for collection of all subscriptions.
  3. Shall be responsible for keeping upto date accounts of the 4. Shall get the accounts audited by the auditors of the 5. Shall prepare an annual statement of the accounts society with all account books posted upto date.
  4. Shall prepare an annual statement of the accounts and  balance sheet.  (Balance Sheet consists of Assets and Liabilities, Profit and Loss Account and consists of Income and Expenditure Account) showing the financial position of the society and get them audited by the auditors of the society and submit the same for adoption by the General Body at the annual general meeting. This statement should be distributed to the members at-least three weeks in advance of the Annual General Body Meeting.
  5. Shall disburse monies for the expenses incurred in running the society after obtaining adequate voucher. All payments to be made after obtaining the consent of either the President or the Secretary.
Annual General Body Meeting
  1. The annual general body meeting of the Life members of the society shall be held, as far as possible every year.
  2. Read and pass the proceedings of the last Annual General Body Meeting and all Special General Body Meetings held since then.
  3. The Resolutions and amendments with the result of the voting shall be recorded for Special General Body Meetings summoned by the Managing Committee on their own motion the proceedings shall be recorded in similar manner.
  4. To adopt the Annual Report on the Financial position and general working of the society for the preceding twelve months ending 31st March.
  5. For transaction of any other business submitted by the Managing Committee or a Life Member in regard to which at-least fifteen days notice in writing must be given to the Hon. Secretary.
  6. To appoint Auditors and fix their remuneration.
  7. Elections will be by postal ballot.

A month’s previous notice of the date of the Annual General Body Meeting and for the election of office bearers on the day following shall be sent by the secretary in writing to every member and at-least eight days previous to the date of the meeting a copy of the Annual Report and Agenda for the Annual General Body Meeting shall be circulated to each member by the Secretary with a list of the names of the candidates standing for election as office bearers.


Provided that no amendment to the Memorandum of Association, Rules and Regulations of this society shall be made which may prove to be repugnant to the provisions of section 2 (15), 11, 12, 13 and 80 (G) of the Income-tax and as amended from time to time. Further, any amendment carried out shall be forthwith reported to the commissioner of Income-tax.


Dr. Kiran M
Hon. Secretary
Bangalore Neurological Society

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